How to Get Rid of Painful Hair Bumps From Braids
What causes ingrown hair bump? An overview of ingrown hair bump, cysts, boils that form under the skin with pictures. Ways on removal of bumps that won't go away and pictures.
Ingrown Hair Bump Causes
Ingrown hair bumps
Ingrown hairs are the hairs that curl around and grow back into the skin instead of rising out from the skin. At times a dead skin may clog a hair follicle.
This makes the hair inside it to grow in sideways direction beneath the skin, instead of upward and outward. Also shaving naturally curly hair very closely can lead to the sharpened end of hair piercing the skin hence causing an ingrown hair.
Ingrown hairs are not that serious but at times they can be irritating and also embarrassing. The ingrown hair usually irritates the skin and sometimes it produces a raised and red bump or even a group of bumps that resembles a pimple. An ingrown hair bump may feel painful and similar to boil like sore. When one has got a lot of ingrown hairs, they may be itchy and uncomfortable.
In most men, the ingrown hair bump usually pops up as a group of little bumps on the cheeks, chin, or even neck after shaving while in women the ingrown hairs are often found on the legs and also on the pubic area and armpits. One can also develop the ingrown hairs on the buttocks.
Any person can get an ingrown hair. But this problem is usually common on those who have a very curly or coarse hair. A Curly hair usually tend to bend back and re-enter the skin, very common after it has been cut.
Those people with high levels of some certain sex hormones may have an excessive hair growth which can in turn make it more likely one getting the ingrown hair bumps after shaving.
Most of the African Americans and those with thick and curly hair usually develop a type of ingrown hair that is known as pseudo folliculitis. It is usually referred to as razor bumps. This little bumps are more common on the beard area shaving, waxing or tweezing to remove the unwanted hair.
The hair that grows back has a sharp edge and this makes it more easily to poke back through the skin they get trapped beneath the skin. Below are steps to follow for getting rid of the ingrown hair bumps.
Exfoliating the ingrown hair bump area. This helps for those who want to get rid of the ingrown hairs before they becomes enormous and painful bump. The affected area has to be exfoliated at least twice a day using a mixture of baking soda and raw honey or nutmeg powder. A mixture of these ingredients removes the dead skin cells and decreases inflammation. The honey keeps the area off from over drying. This will help in bringing the hair to above the skin.
Application of some heat on the hairs. Once the hair tip arises above the skin, one can use hot compress to soften the skin and open up pores so as to help the hair come out smoothly. Run a wash cloth on hot water and press it down on the ingrown hair bump for about ten minutes.
The Trapped Hair can then be freed. You have to use a clean and sharp tool always when extracting the ingrown hair. A pointed tip pair of tweezers can be used but they have to be always soaked in rubbing alcohol so as to avoid causing an irritation or infection from bacteria that the blades may have been exposed to.
This process is challenging, because one wants to get the whole hair out without breaking it off at the skin and having to repeat whole process again. This can be avoided waiting until the hair gains some length beyond the skin and also the tweezers have to be strong.
Next is to Bring down the Inflammation. This is the most important step and it is the final step. One has Bring down the inflammation and then cool down the ingrown area. One can get a treatment that contains a natural anti-inflammatory ingredients and vitamin E, this speeds up the healing process.
One can also use the natural ingredients when cold. Keeping the cold will help bring down any inflammation that will have been caused by tweezing the ingrown hair. If one simply plucks out the hair, it will irritate the skin and also bring about scarring.
Ingrown Hair Cyst
An ingrown hair cyst is also referred to as trichilemmal cyst. It is most common in areas where the hair is removed either by shaving, tweezing or waxing. The most common areas affected include the face, armpits, neck, under the chin and on the inner thighs and scalp.
It is recommended one to get rid of the ingrown hair bumps fast before they develop into a cyst. It's very painful getting rid of cyst. They may cause a lot of itching, bruising, tenderness on the surrounding areas and become fluid filled. This condition can worsen especially when the cyst is infected.
When the cyst becomes infected, it is filled up with a yellowish or greenish pus. This increases the itchiness and inflammation of the affected and also brings about some warmth, redness and tenderness of the bump. This can cause a lot of pain and discomfort hence causes an urge one to get of it. Below are various ways on how one can remove the ingrown hair cyst.
Clean the area affected using a disinfectant. An antibacterial soap may be used too. This will help in killing the bacteria and the other micro-organisms that can cause an infection on the affected areas.
Make a warm compress on the affected areas. Use warm water in a basin and dip in a clean wash cloth. Wring it to get off the excess water and then place it over the cyst. This procedure has to be repeated several times. It will help to relieve the pain as well as making the hair come closer to the skin surface fast for an easy removal.
Exfoliate the area by soaking the area affected in some warm water for some time. Rub the skin gently in circular motion using an exfoliating gloves, rough washcloth or any other agent. This will help getting rid of the dead skin cells, excessive oil or sebum and other dirty that may have been clogged the hair follicles.
The ingrown hair in the cyst can now be removed by use of a pair of tweezers and a needle. The cyst is pricked on the head so as to get access to the hair. The hair is then grabbed using the tweezers to and removed wholly up the root. The equipment have to be sterilized before being used. Alcohol can be used to clean the equipment or by boiling them in a hot water.
The cyst can now be drained. One may be required to drain the cyst so as to allow it to heal faster. Clean the hand and the areas around the cyst thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Then make a prick using a needle on the head of the cyst. Allow the cyst to drain out, you may apply some pressure on the base of the cyst so as to make it drain faster. Using a cotton wool, clean the area and it's surrounding.
The area has to be Disinfect and left to dry on its own. You have to avoid as much as possible touching the area with the contaminated hands as they may cause an infection on the left wound.
There are some natural home remedies that can also be effective on how one can get rid of the ingrown hair cyst. Some can be gotten from the natural ingredients that we use every day in the kitchen while others can be found in the environment and natural stores.
By Applying a tea tree oil on an ingrown hair bump or cyst can help on reducing the redness and swelling. After shaving, an Application of tea tree oil can help in preventing the ingrown hair occurrence and hence prevents future cysts. Use a cotton wool to dab a few drops of the natural oil and apply it directly on to the cyst.
A few drops of Aloe Vera can be added into the tea tree oil so as to give it double power in eliminating the cyst. The two components have an antibacterial properties that are helpful in safeguarding the cyst against the infections.
An ingrown hair follicle cyst may be extremely painful when it becomes infected. The ingrown hair may also have been grown too deep under the skin and hence making it more difficult to be removed. Operating such a cyst on your own can lead to an infected ingrown hair. Pricking and picking on the infected ingrown hair bump can also lead to scarring and even keloids during the healing of the cyst.
You can visit a doctor or dermatologist for the best care and treatment of the ingrown hair cyst. You are expected to visit an experienced dermatologist who has a lot of information about this condition. Some doctors can find it difficult differentiating between signs of an ingrown hair follicle cyst and that of cystic acne.
When at the clinic, the doctor can perform a skin culture test so as to find out whether the cyst is infected with a bacterial or a fungi. In many cases the hair follicle is usually infected with bacteria. The doctor will then prescribe some medications that will be used to treat the cyst after getting the tests results.
The doctor may prescribe over the counter medicines. These medicines are usually anti-inflammatory medications that may be taken without a doctor's prescription. They can be bought from the chemist. They help to relieve the pain, swelling and itching of the cyst. They can include aspirin, ibuprofen among the others. They have to be Taken as directed by the doctor or manufactures instructions. Aspirin is not to taken by children who are under the age of twelve years.
Steroid creams can also be used. They are Topical creams and are very effective for the ingrown hair bump and cyst treatment. They have steroids that help in getting rid of the swellings, inflammations, itching and irritations of the cyst. After the affected areas have been cleaned, apply the cream at least two times daily until the cyst heal completely using cleans hands.
Antibiotic pills and creams can also be prescribed by the dermatologist. They can be oral antibiotics and creams for the case of an infected cyst. They have in them antibacterial and disinfecting properties that are used in treating the infection. These medicines are only to be taken by doctor's prescription and after testing.
Some acne treatment medicines may be used to treat the ingrown hair follicle cyst. The medicines contain salicylic acid and hydrogen peroxide which are used in drying the cyst. They also safe guard the affected area against the infections and preventing ingrown hair bumps and scars.
Anti-bacterial injections such as Retinoid and can be administered so as to guard the ingrown hair cyst from the other secondary infections.
However, prevention is better than cure. One can apply one among the many various measures that can be employed in prevention of the ingrown hair that usually lead to ingrown hair follicle cyst. Shaving, waxing and tweezing are what causes the ingrown hairs in many cases. Therefore one has to avoid shaving the hair but if you have to then you must have to shave following the tips below:
- Warm compress the skin then apply enough gel after the shave
- Always Use a sharp shaving blade.
- Make sure the blade is Sterilize before using it and store it away from the contamination
- Use a few strokes as possible when shaving.
- Rinse the blade using very clean water after each stroke.
- Don't shave very close to the skin surface.
Ingrown Hair Bump Pictures
Lumps that are be visible on skin can be felt as hard lumps. Sometimes, an ingrown hair may coil and enter back into the skin. This can cause a hard pimple like lesion that can in turn form to a bump.
Ingrown Hair Bump under Skin
When the growing hair grows under the skin it can become long and twisted. The hair has continue growing despite it not growing out straight. It will instead grow in a circular fashion bellow the skin surface.
After some time the ingrown hair bump may develops into a mass below the skin. This mass usually thickens the skin and end up becoming a cyst. Usually this type of cyst become red after sometime and get infected. If happens this way, one should not try to removing the hair as it may result in to more problems. The area will be more irritated and a pustule will develop.
The best course of treatment is visiting a physician or dermatologist. The cyst will then be surgically removed and also the hair that most likely lead to the cyst. The dermatologist may also prescribe antibiotics or a topical antibiotic cream for treating the affected area.
It is very important for you to treat the ingrown hairs when they are first noticed. They can develop into painful cysts if left unattended to but the matter can be addressed before it gets into a severer stage. This can save yourself time and pain.
Hard Ingrown Hair Bump
Shaving usually causes a lot of instances of ingrown hair bump or pseudo-folliculitis. But shaving is not the only way. Anything that cuts or breaks the body hairs slightly below the skin surface can trap the hair and also trigger the condition. People with curly hair usually suffer from pseudo-folliculitis more than those with straight hair. An incorrect shaving habits contribute frequency to this problem.
Friction and injuries too can be the cause for ingrown hairs and infection. Impacts and scrapes can sever the hairs below skin, and with the injured tissue healing the embedded hair. The friction of clothing on the buttocks and thighs can wear away the body hair and hence breaking the hairs off too short that could be trapped. Plucking and Waxing can also increase the risk of ingrown hair bump.
The Embedded hairs do not always lead to infection, but they cause bumps and inflammation until they are treated. Pseudo-folliculitis means ingrown hairs that are caused by shaving injuries. A Folliculitis is the inflammation of oil gland at the base of a normally growing hair.
Any person who is suffering from a recurring pseudo-folliculitis has to consider changing his or her shaving methods to a new one. A Close shave usually increases the risk of the ingrown hair bump. One is therefore advised to avoid using of razors that have more than one cutting blade. When one shaves against the grain, that is the direction that the hair normally lays, he may increase this problem.
The hair is to be Soaked for about two to five minutes with a hot and wet washcloth so as to softens the hair ready for shaving. Do not stretch the skin when shaving. The use shaving creams formulated for a sensitive skin is encouraged. The lubricating oil in the shaving creams usually helps in preventing injury. An Extremely sensitive person can use baby oil instead of shaving cream.
The Razor bumps that are without infection usually get healed quickly if the trapped hair is freed and is allowed to grow. The bump is pricked using a sterile needle then the hair is lift from below the skin. It is advised you postpone your shaving until the injury get healed and the bump disappears. The Numerous recurring razor bumps requires medical treatment. An oral medications and Antibiotic lotions treat most infections very successfully.
Pseudo-folliculitis or the folliculitis can lead to a more serious conditions such as carbuncles, boils, or even cysts. If one notices a large swellings that forms around ingrown hair bump, pockets of pus and tenderness, it is an indication that the problem has become severe and it's beyond mild irritation.
The Bacteria like strep are the cause these infections. Some boils can heal without any intervention. By Applying a warm compresses to the area for about three to four times a day in a fifteen minute sessions can help the boil to open up and drain. You should never lance a boil by yourself. The area must be kept very clean by washing using an anti-bacterial soap for about three times a day.
Then Bandage the ingrown area after washing. The Boils that do not drain end up turning red or show red streaks that is accompanied with a fever and this requires the attention of a physician. A Multiple and recurring boils, boils on the face, near the anus, or near the spine usually require a dermatologists care and attention.
There are Special razors that are designed to prevent shaving too closely hence preventing most of the razor bumps. Some razors have a fine wire wrap between the blade and the skin so that to ensure that a fine stubble will always remain.
Clippers Electric razors are designed to cut the hair to a safe height and also help in preventing the bumps. A Laser treatment gives a more long lasting solution by destroying the unwanted hair, including the root beneath the skin and also preventing the regrowth.
Ingrown Hair Bump Removal
Use warm and clean water to clean the affected areas with a disinfectant. An appropriate disinfectant is to be used, like the antibacterial soap that helps to kill the micro-organism that may cause an infection.
The affected bumps are then Exfoliated affected to remove dead cell debris on the skin. The affected part has to be soaked in warm water as to soften the deposit on the skin. A hair brush or piece of cloth can be used to rub the skin gently. This will clear away the dead skin layer which may block the skin pores.
Warm compress the bumps with warm water. Dip a piece of clean cloth in some warm water in the basin then and place it around the hair cyst. This can help to drain the fluid filled bumps hence dry fast.
The ingrown cyst can now then be removed. This can be done by oneself with the help of tweezers and a needle. The head of the bumps is pricked so as to access the curled hair. Then Grab the hair and it by pull it out using the tweezers. The affected part is then sterilized and left alone to get dry.
The fluid filled boil like cyst is then drained out. The Inflamed bumps are always irritating and they can be healed faster if they are drained out to dry. Using clean fingers, apply some pressure on the base of the cyst to drain out the fluid in the cyst. You can Use a cotton ball to wipe out the part and also disinfect it using an appropriate disinfectant from the pharmacy.
Further reference:
- Ingrown Hair Cyst, Groin, Deep, Infected, Removal, Home Treatment, Inner Thigh, Under Skin:
- Ingrown Hair that Is Now a Bump:
- How to get rid of ingrown hairs:
- Ingrown Hair:
- How to Remove an Ingrown Hair Quickly, Easily, and Without Any Lasers Whatsoever:
- Ingrown Hairs Can Develop Into Painful Cysts:
How to Get Rid of Painful Hair Bumps From Braids